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Be afraid, Be very afraid. The New Google Mobile Algorithm is coming. Are you ready?

by | Mar 23, 2015 | Internet Marketing

Home / Internet Marketing / Be afraid, Be very afraid. The New Google Mobile Algorithm is coming. Are you ready?

Check your Site NOW!

Google is preparing to roll out another big algorithm on April 21st, will you be ready?

Although many SEO companies want you to believe that the most important work is off-site linking the new Google algorithm that’s on the horizon has nothing to do with off site linking. It’s all about having a mobile ready website. If your website is more than 3 or 4 years old you need to pay close attention to the following information. You need to know if your website was designed as a responsive layout or fixed or if you have a separate mobile site or not.

That’s right. In coming months Google will be checking to see if your site conforms to the new standards of todays mobile devices i.e. Smart phones / tablets. If it doesn’t, expect to see your website start to fall in rank or even drop dramatically over night.

Be prepared, Call Us today. We will explain this new process and check to make sure your ready. If not, We will quote you on what it will take to get you updated.

Call Now! 626-768-0760