Whether you have a well established business or just starting in the field, you cannot afford to ignore the importance of online presence in today’s highly competitive world. With an ever increasing number of companies entering the market every day, it becomes crucial to maintain your customer base. You need a strong and reliable brand image to keep your customers engrossed in your products and services. A custom designed and developed website is an ideal way to enhance your online presence.

PX Media, based in Los Angeles, Pasadena and San Diego CA, offers professional web design and development services globally to a list of esteemed clients. A professionally designed website can benefit your business in a lot more ways than you can imagine. Along with keeping your existing customers updated about the new products, it also helps to attract potential customers. In order to achieve that, your website should have an essential feature, known as search engine optimization.In simple words, it means that whenever a user searches for the products or services provided by your company, your website should appear in the first ten results.

Website optimization check list:

  • User friendly navigation.
  • No less than 250 words per page.
  • Targeted keyword-rich written content.
  • Fast loading pages (should score a B or better on YSlow).
  • PageSpeed test should score above 75.
  • Be sure your site is secure and make backups frequently.

An SEO friendly website can direct your prospective customers to your website, thus expanding your customer base. Ithas become a need in today’s times. To stand out among your competitors, you need to enhance the visibility of your brand. Providing your customers an interactive and unforgettable experience should be your priority, when getting your website designed. In today’s fast paced world, other business priorities generally overshadow the need of customer satisfaction. However it is important to remember that your customers play the most crucial role in the development of your business. Your website should be user-friendly with attractive features. You can rely on the competent and experienced team of professionals at PX Media, who are well endowed with the whole process of effective website design.

Page load optimization check list:

  • Minimize HTTP Requests
  • Avoid empty src or href
  • Add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header
  • Gzip Components
  • Put StyleSheets at the Top
  • Put Scripts at the Bottom
  • Make JavaScript and CSS External
  • Reduce DNS Lookups
  • Minify JavaScript and CSS
  • Avoid Redirects
  • Remove Duplicate Scripts
  • Make AJAX Cacheable
  • Use GET for AJAX Requests
  • Reduce the Number of DOM Elements
  • No 404’s (poising pages or bad links)
  • Do Not Scale Images in HTML

Your website can help you to reach out to your prospective customers in any part of the world. It is very important that your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Designing an attractive website is just half the job. The real credibility of the website is tested in SEO. It should rank higher in the search results, so that it is visible to your potential customers. Enhancing your online visibility is the first and most important step of capturing the global customer base. In case you do not have an in-house team of website developers, then it becomes imperative that you hire a professional website design company. We at PX Media, understand the need of a well designed website and can provide result-oriented solutions for your website design needs.

We all get email spam and or comment spam from offshore companies clamming they will get you on the first page of the search engines. The big question is… Can you trust them? Will they do what they say? How much will you spend?

Most of them will say you only need inbound links and then will say, you need to do the rest of the work on your site. We don’t accept that. PX Media will do all of it for a very reasonable price but, understand that this is time consuming work. Pricing normally starts at around $225 a month.

Any one of the bulleted items above could prevent you from ranking on the first page of Google. So, why not get tested today and see if your website optimization is performing correctly.

Learn more on our SEO service page »

Click here for a free test and a quote. Fill out our inquary form and let us know how we can help get your site ranking.

Signature Post: Douglas Goddard:

Director of Design and Technology.