keyword research and strategy

At PX Media, we specialize in search engine optimization (SEO), and we recognize the importance of tailoring our approach to your unique niche. Our team of experts delves into the intricacies of your industry, understanding the nuances that set you apart. We believe that effective SEO begins with a solid foundation of well-researched keywords.

Here’s how we approach keyword research and strategy:

  1. Current Keyword Assessment:
    1. Our dedicated SEO specialist meticulously examines the keywords for which your website is currently ranking. We analyze their performance, relevance, and competitiveness.
    2. We want you to know that we note any gaps or opportunities where your existing keywords might need to catch up.
  2. Keyword Wishlist:
    1. We value your input! Could you share your keyword wishlist with us? These are the terms you believe are crucial for your business.
    2. Our team considers your wishlist alongside our research findings.
  3. Comprehensive Research:
    1. With insights from your current keywords and your wishlist, we’ll be able to dive deeper. Our research extends beyond the apparent terms to uncover hidden gems.
    2. We explore related keywords, long-tail phrases, and variations that align with your brand.
  4. Strategic List Building:
    1. We want you to know that we aim to create a keyword list that aligns with your website’s goals and resonates with your target audience.
    2. We consider search volume, competition, and user intent. The result is a curated list that makes sense for your specific context.
  5. Competitive Landscape:
    1. SEO isn’t just about your website; it’s about how you stack up against competitors.
    2. We analyze the keywords your competitors are targeting. This helps us identify gaps and opportunities.

Our approach combines data-driven analysis, collaboration, and a keen understanding of your niche. The outcome? A strategic keyword list that enhances your website’s visibility drives relevant traffic and ultimately contributes to your success in the digital landscape.