Web Design Process Outline

At PX Media we have developed an effective five-step process formula to determine and execute the client’s needs.

Step 1: Evaluation

Determine what the client has previously done. Review what has and has not achieved the desired results. We use this time to get insights into the client’s earlier design experiences and what they liked or disliked about them.

Step 2: Exploration

This is a phase of continued analysis. PXM determines where the client is heading and what their current goals are. Discussions involve an in-depth study of the marketplace, demographics and budget requirements. We create a storyboard site for the initial layout. This step concludes with the final contract terms being agreed upon.

Step 3: Conception

Identity is a powerful tool used to separate you from your competitors. Product recognition has been a highly valued and sought after resource for leading organizations. We can create a logo or icon that will identify your product or service as unique and desirable.

Step 4: Design

Technically, this is the most intensive phase of a production. Fitted with the information gathered in the earlier phases, our design team moves into action and makes ideas come to life. The concept begins to have an identity and a personality at this point.

Step 5: Implementation

This is the launch pad for your creative visions. This phase is focused on testing, verification and deployment of your project. After final review and approval, our design team initiates the finalization and delivery of your items.